Abandoned Dairy Farm – Unknowingly Explored on the Anniversary of Her Death!

This abandoned dairy farm dates way back. There wasn’t a lot left in the farmhouse, just enough for Chris and I to gather our research. We found an old Can-Farm Data binder that documented the sales and expenses from between 1970-1976 as well as the names of the couple that once loved and worked this … More Abandoned Dairy Farm – Unknowingly Explored on the Anniversary of Her Death!

Le Manoir Olgilvie – French Mansion in the Mountains Burned to the Ground

Le Manoir Olgilvie Burned To The Ground This once was beautiful mansion is located in the beautiful mountainous region of Quebec. Helen Johnston was left a sizable fortune after her dearly loving husband, a flour mill industrialist passed away in 1900. The value of the fortune was estimated to be roughly $2 million dollars, equivalent … More Le Manoir Olgilvie – French Mansion in the Mountains Burned to the Ground

Forced To Leave by the Government and Left to Decay for 20 Years

While Chris and I were out and about we came across this beautiful old farmhouse. It was situated on a dead end road with property as far as the eye could see. As we were roaming around, taking pictures, the farmer pulled in with concerns of our presence. Once he learned what we do, he … More Forced To Leave by the Government and Left to Decay for 20 Years

Abandoned, Forgotten Children’s Hospital

This beautiful two-storey, forgotten children’s hospital was constructed in the Georgian Revival style circa 1914. The Georgian Revival style was common in Ontario in the 1920s. The original owners sold the 100 acre property in 1925. Between 1925 and 1956 the property had been divided and changed ownership many times. In 1988 it was purchased … More Abandoned, Forgotten Children’s Hospital

Abandoned Log Mansion

This beautiful home was first discovered by Riddim Ryder back in the spring. Over the course of the summer it grew in popularity over social media. As each Explorer posted pictures and video, I was seeing more and more vandalism, and this house became more and more sad. It sits amongst development, making it vulnerable … More Abandoned Log Mansion

Halloween Explore = Spooky Fun! Secret Door Discovered

This old farmhouse is one that we decided to revisit! We originally explored this a little over a month ago and decided it would be the perfect spot to return to, and do a Halloween photoshoot! During our first explore we noticed a small door off of the upstairs hallway that looked as though it … More Halloween Explore = Spooky Fun! Secret Door Discovered